Historia de #lesbianas 21/02/2025 04:21 13 visitas

Hour Alias Mensaje Mensaje
[04:21] Lobo_Fuerte Soy del barça un respeto Grillo{SinRespeto jajajajjaa [04:21] Lobo_Fuerte
Soy del barça un respeto Grillo{SinRespeto jajajajjaa
[04:21] Grillo{SinRespeto https://youtu.be/u9Dg-g7t2l4 [04:21] Grillo{SinRespeto
[04:21] Mapache\ConInquietud YouTube Titulo: Disturbed - The Sound Of Silence (Official Music Video) [4K UPGRADE] Duración: 4M23S Enviado por: Disturbed [04:21] Mapache\ConInquietud
YouTube Titulo: Disturbed - The Sound Of Silence (Official Music Video) [4K UPGRADE] Duración: 4M23S Enviado por: Disturbed
[04:22] Lobo_Fuerte Buenas [04:22] Lobo_Fuerte
[04:22] Grillo{SinRespeto Hello darkness my old friend... I've come to talk u again [04:22] Grillo{SinRespeto
Hello darkness my old friend... I've come to talk u again
[04:23] Grillo{SinRespeto Because a vision softly creeping... Leave its seed while i was sleeping [04:23] Grillo{SinRespeto
Because a vision softly creeping... Leave its seed while i was sleeping
[04:23] Grillo{SinRespeto And the vision that was planted in my brain... Still remains... [04:23] Grillo{SinRespeto
And the vision that was planted in my brain... Still remains...
[04:24] Grillo{SinRespeto Within the soooooound... Of silence... [04:24] Grillo{SinRespeto
Within the soooooound... Of silence...
[04:25] Lobo_Fuerte No tiene pinta [04:25] Lobo_Fuerte
No tiene pinta
[04:25] Grillo{SinRespeto In restless dreams i walked alone... Narrow streets of cobblestone... [04:25] Grillo{SinRespeto
In restless dreams i walked alone... Narrow streets of cobblestone...
[04:26] Grillo{SinRespeto In the halo of a street laaaaaamp... I turned my collar to the cold n daaaaaamp [04:26] Grillo{SinRespeto
In the halo of a street laaaaaamp... I turned my collar to the cold n daaaaaamp
[04:26] Grillo{SinRespeto When my eyes stabbed by the flash of a leon light... [04:26] Grillo{SinRespeto
When my eyes stabbed by the flash of a leon light...
[04:27] Grillo{SinRespeto They split the night... And the sooooooound... Of silence.... [04:27] Grillo{SinRespeto
They split the night... And the sooooooound... Of silence....
[04:28] Grillo{SinRespeto And in the naked light a saaaaaaw.... Ten thousand people maybeeee mooooore [04:28] Grillo{SinRespeto
And in the naked light a saaaaaaw.... Ten thousand people maybeeee mooooore
[04:29] Grillo{SinRespeto People talking without speakiiiiiiing... People heariiiiiing without listeniiiiiing [04:29] Grillo{SinRespeto
People talking without speakiiiiiiing... People heariiiiiing without listeniiiiiing
[04:29] Grillo{SinRespeto People writing songs that voices... Neeeever shaaaaaare.... And no one daaaaaares [04:29] Grillo{SinRespeto
People writing songs that voices... Neeeever shaaaaaare.... And no one daaaaaares
[04:30] Grillo{SinRespeto Disturb the sound of silence... [04:30] Grillo{SinRespeto
Disturb the sound of silence...
[04:31] Grillo{SinRespeto Fools i said u don't know... Silence like a cancer grows.... [04:31] Grillo{SinRespeto
Fools i said u don't know... Silence like a cancer grows....
[04:31] Grillo{SinRespeto Hear my words that i might teach u... Take my arms that i might reach u... [04:31] Grillo{SinRespeto
Hear my words that i might teach u... Take my arms that i might reach u...
[04:32] Grillo{SinRespeto But my words like silent teardrops fell and echoed... The wells... Of silence... [04:32] Grillo{SinRespeto
But my words like silent teardrops fell and echoed... The wells... Of silence...
[04:32] Lobo_Fuerte Estas haciendo lineas? sofiii [04:32] Lobo_Fuerte
Estas haciendo lineas? sofiii
[04:33] Lobo_Fuerte Perdon tu no [04:33] Lobo_Fuerte
Perdon tu no
[04:33] Lobo_Fuerte Jajajaja [04:33] Lobo_Fuerte
[04:33] Lobo_Fuerte Grillo{SinRespeto ahora si [04:33] Lobo_Fuerte
Grillo{SinRespeto ahora si
[04:33] Grillo{SinRespeto And the people bowed and praaaaayed to the neon god they maaaaaaade [04:33] Grillo{SinRespeto
And the people bowed and praaaaayed to the neon god they maaaaaaade
[04:34] Grillo{SinRespeto And the sign flashed out its warning... In the words that it was formiiiiiiiing [04:34] Grillo{SinRespeto
And the sign flashed out its warning... In the words that it was formiiiiiiiing
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